Monday, August 18, 2014

Kakyoin Noriaki

Students should behave student like with this sweet drink.

Maraschino liqueur - 30 ml
Lingon berry syrup - 10 ml
Perrier - 20 ml
1 Maraschino cherry

Place the Lingon berry syrup and Maraschino liqueur in a shaker with ice, and shake. Add the mix to the glass, add the Perrier and drop in a cherry.

Sweetness ★★★★☆
Refreshing ★★★★☆
Alcohol content ★★★☆☆
Acquired taste ★☆☆☆☆
Time for punishment, baby ★★★☆☆

Notes: Sweet and refreshing, this drink is sure to be a stead fast companion to your travels.

BG Notes: I had debated between Maraschino liqueur and kirschwasser, but I think this drink balanced out better with the Maraschino. Cherries were an obvious pick for Kakyoin, but I think I waffled the most on the rest of the ingredients. The Perrier can be substituted with Sprite or another carbonated drink for those who prefer sweeter drinks.

While I debated whether this drink should be shaken, I think aerating it out a bit actually smoothed out the taste a bit more than stirring.

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