Creme de Cassis - 20ml
White Rum - 15ml
Cointreau - 10ml
San Pellegrino
Add Creme de Cassis, White Rum, and Cointreau in a shaker, and shake. Pour in to a shot glass, or pour in a serving glass and add San Pellegrino to taste.
Sweetness ★★☆☆☆
Refreshing ★★★★☆
Alcohol content ★★★☆☆
Acquired taste ★★☆☆☆
Police corruption ★☆☆☆☆
Note: This drink might take some time to grow on you but it's sure to be a favorite, even if you're a man with nowhere to go.

While the Cassis is pretty sweet, I personally like to add a little more rum and San Pelligrino to tone it down a little, but most people find it a little less palatable.
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