Sunday, June 24, 2018


You'll have to use hand signals when ordering this drink...

Parfait Amour - 10 ml
Vodka - 10 ml
Maraschino liquer - 10 ml

Layer the Parfait AmourVodka, and Maraschino liqueur in that order in to a glass. Serve as a shot

Sweetness ★★★★☆
Refreshing ★☆☆☆☆
Alcohol content ★★★★☆
Acquired taste ★★☆☆☆
Cool handshakes ★★★★★

Notes: No matter how much you might clash in your day to day friendships, there'll always be one joke you can agree on.

BG Notes:
Ok to be honest tho did you think that this isn't my favorite stupid moment of Stardust Crusaders.